[Update] Blip Market global shipping!🌎 (블립마켓 해외 배송 안내) | 블립마켓

[Update] Blip Market global shipping!🌎 (블립마켓 해외 배송 안내)

KST 2023-01-06 17:43
  • 안녕하세요
    케이팝 팬을 위한 커머스샵, 블립마켓이에요 ᐢ•ᴗ•
    글로벌 사용자 분들을 위해 블립마켓이 해외 배송을 시작합니다!
    이제 세계 어디서든 저희 블립마켓 상품을 만나 보실 수 있어요

    Hello, this is Blip Market
    The best commerce shop for K-POP fans ᐢ•ᴗ•
    Blip Market now offers global shipping for our global users!
    You can find our products anywhere in the world.

    # Set your shipping address!
  • 1. Select your Country or Region.
    We are currently shipping to 232 countries worldwide!

    2. Enter your information in English and save!

    # Choose your delivery options
  • 3. Choose your delivery options
    *Please note that the delivery options might not appear depending on the country you selected

    4. Choose your payment method.
    Payment with credit/debit card and PayPal is currently available!

    Thank you ᐢ•ᴗ•
    If you have any inquiry, please contact
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